Anything that’s saccharine-sweet and smells extravagantly lovely, I naturally gravitate towards. Naturally.
One of my favorite yummy-doo-dum-dums, out of a gazillion million desserts which have toured my almost-30-year-old, well-used and weather-resistant intestines, is the most princessy cupcakes which seriously melts in your mouth and instantly makes you very happy. VERY HAPPY.
Sugar never looked so good. These cupcakes from Carnival & Co are so awesome, I kept ordering the regular and mini ones. A lot of them for myself, and some for family and friends. Alamak, eat until whole box finish lah (5 Big Pieces). I’m so happy my friends really enjoyed them, that almost all of them ordered more boxes for the Christmas season. The cupcake designs are so puh-ree-tee. Great as alternatives to birthday cakes! No more messy knifes and weirdly-sized slices of crumbling cake. Cupcakes are so now, you gotta have them for at least ONE birthday this year. Then you’ll get it!
Anything that’s saccharine-sweet and smells extravagantly lovely, I naturally gravitate towards. Naturally.
One of my favorite yummy-doo-dum-dums, out of a gazillion million desserts which have toured my almost-30-year-old, well-used and weather-resistant intestines, is the most princessy cupcakes which seriously melts in your mouth and instantly makes you very happy. VERY HAPPY.
Sugar never looked so good. These cupcakes from Carnival & Co are so awesome, I kept ordering the regular and mini ones. A lot of them for myself, and some for family and friends. Alamak, eat until whole box finish lah (5 Big Pieces). I’m so happy my friends really enjoyed them, that almost all of them ordered more boxes for the Christmas season. The cupcake designs are so puh-ree-tee. Great as alternatives to birthday cakes! No more messy knifes and weirdly-sized slices of crumbling cake. Cupcakes are so now, you gotta have them for at least ONE birthday this year. Then you’ll get it!

And the other woo-hoo chomping favorite is the carrot walnut cake from Toast @ Ngee Ann City. Truly one of the best in the country. With Cedele Depot @ Wheelock Place running in tandem for the top spot. The cream cheese is wonderfully smooth, and unbelievably gorgeous with the main cake made of shredded carrots and embedded walnut chunks. The type of cream cheese makes all of the difference, as the temperature used to store these cakes. Very important lah. One of the grossest cakes I’ve ever tasted are at Coffee Bean’s. They taste old and the cheese on the carrot cake is eewness central. You can tell immediately by the stale-looking color. Maybe it was a one-off incident which I experienced with a friend who really didn’t mind forking her way through the eeky carb-mess.
But I just love chocolate. CHOCOLATE is the Champion of all desserts, folks! So I crown this the week of chocolaty pleasures. This means intense chocolate-blogging for a limited time only.
Come back every day before you get hit with sugar crash = chocolate feeding time.
Until then, feel the tiara, says Love Princess.
Come back every day before you get hit with sugar crash = chocolate feeding time.
Until then, feel the tiara, says Love Princess.