Then again, enough about myself. What better food to fill you up, below and in-between than home-cooked fare. Yeah, the steamed grains, sauteed legumes, fried
Eating was never fun for me when I was little. I hated having bubur (porridge) for lunch or cabbage fried with itty-bitty shrimps for dinner. And I definitely wasn’t crazy about white rice. But I
Thank goodness I grew up fast enough to enjoy the all-time experience of inhaling processed fast-food burgers and heaps of microwavable mashed potatoes for breakfast, lunch, snack-time, dinner and supper. Yumsie doodles.
Of course shoving commercial garbage into my tums was too much for my teenage belly and so it rebelled. And this biologically-driven rebellion cause a jolting halt to frequent trips made to the nearby fast-food drive-thrus. Hence the birth of what seems like a neverending journey on the road of adventurous eats around the world, sans any sort of fast-food- a lifetime feat, really.
So here’s what we had to offer our family & co - check out the pics for our "Wild Wild Western" Christmas Eve dinner...