I did it. I DID LES AMIS. The one in Au Jardin. The building is beautiful and very British, might I say. The servers look spiffy and smiley. I was there on a week day, I think Thursday night not too long ago. It was my first time at Les Amis. I know. I suck. But not anymore!
And to think I've waited all this time to revel in artistic gourmet. Poetic licence was lent to the menu. Romance was in the air. And it pretty much stopped there.
The table d'hote served was maa-maa, and the dinner companion was worse. No, I was NOT on a date. Let's just focus on the food shall we?

The crab meat was lovely. I had two slightly different interpretations of it. The temperature was perfect heat, if such a term existed. And yummy-doodles.
By the way, I soooooo forgot my digicam so I was using my laoya (a.k.a. lousy) cell phone to take pictures. Sorry...very boho, I know. I'm a really busy girl, okay!

So, what's the..Ohhhhhhhhhh..........Eew. Moving forward, please.

But I did have a sad moment - the desserts were so blah. Ugh. I had three. And they were so not hip, hot and happening. In fact, the additional dessert I ordered was not taken seriously at first. The server, in full official regalia (not tux lah, more like pretty suit) actually reminded me that it would be chargeable. DUH.
It's Les Amis. The minute you sit your cute butt down on one of those plush chairs in Au Jardin, you're so not counting the dollars anymore. And I definitely wasn't. So, hello? When you're in a posh restaurant, you are posh. So behave like it. I felt like a child been asked to show my bank acocunt balance just to prove I could spend a few more dollars after I've already racked up some hundred of 'dem.
If Les Amis @ Shaw Centre wasn't filled, I would have been dining my heart out and lovin' it. But that of course is a pure assumption based on feeling. The feeling that i'm meeting my friend in less than an hour for dinner. And I just can't wait to soup-size myself.
I'm not even going to show you dessert pictures cause they're just not worth it. The only thing that kept me going during dinner was the view.