New Kid on the Block - Whisk @ Wisma Atria

So-so - decor's cute, food's alright. I hate my soup at room temperature though...It should be piping hot!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Home Is Where I'm Fed, And Fed Well

I feel deeply. I feel deeply about food – probably these digested substances will be the only thing that will ever get to check out my insides. My insides which I really hope no one gets to see including myself. Cause then it would mean I was unconscious, dying or dead.

Then again, enough about myself. What better food to fill you up, below and in-between than home-cooked fare. Yeah, the steamed grains, sauteed legumes, fried greens and braised meats which are familiar staples for kids growing up in Asia. I was serenaded by Peranakan favorites ever since I took my first breath on this earth – itik sio, babi pongteh, buah keluak, kari ayam, assam ikan, sambal kangkong and mee siam.

Eating was never fun for me when I was little. I hated having bubur (porridge) for lunch or cabbage fried with itty-bitty shrimps for dinner. And I definitely wasn’t crazy about white rice. But I had to finish every morsel of food on my plate. Ugh.

Thank goodness I grew up fast enough to enjoy the all-time experience of inhaling processed fast-food burgers and heaps of microwavable mashed potatoes for breakfast, lunch, snack-time, dinner and supper. Yumsie doodles.

Of course shoving commercial garbage into my tums was too much for my teenage belly and so it rebelled. And this biologically-driven rebellion cause a jolting halt to frequent trips made to the nearby fast-food drive-thrus. Hence the birth of what seems like a neverending journey on the road of adventurous eats around the world, sans any sort of fast-food- a lifetime feat, really.

I never really went back to having Peranakan food cause I really think I’m done. Having it ALL the time, almost EVERY DAY for at least TWELVE YEARS is enough. But of course, we tend to revisit the past when an aunt come a-visiting from a land far, far away and decides to cook up a feast for a small country. And the thing is, a small country turned up at our doorstep during the holidays.

So here’s what we had to offer our family & co - check out the pics for our "Wild Wild Western" Christmas Eve dinner...